Saturday, 25 February 2006

When Irony Goes Bad

Some people are just a complete waste of oxygen, and this grim news story finds yet more people on whom life is utterly wasted. May the Good Lord, in his provenance, see fit to deliver a fresh turd on their doormat every day for a year. But! Check out the cat's name:

A FAMILY who let their pet cat become so ill that its eye was hanging out of its socket for three days have been banned from keeping cats for two years.

Dad Anthony, 61, mum Sylvia, 60, and son Stuart Tomlinson, 31, of Sussex Road, Weymouth, all pleaded guilty at Weymouth Magistrates Court to animal cruelty towards their pet cat Popeye in July and August of last year.

3 Crumbs:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

They live at number 58, if that helps.

12:47 pm, February 26, 2006  
Blogger Aled Hughes said...

What worries me is that people like that are allowed to breed.

1:32 pm, February 26, 2006  
Blogger nanuk said...

I heard they only renamed their cat Popeye during this episode in July and August. Prior to that it was named Prolapsed Rectum.

1:34 pm, February 26, 2006  

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